Thursday, January 5, 2012

Ode to Chloe

Today is your 7th birthday and I can hardly believe how fast these years have gone. I wanted to share some words of how special you are to me and this world. One of my favorite things about you is that you are hilarious without even knowing it. You have an uncanny ability to make anyone laugh just by being yourself. I never know what is going to come out of that mouth of yours. Another thing that I love about you is that you tell things how they are. Mix that with a side of sassiness and you get 100% unadulterated Chloe at all times. I envy this part of you. I have always been too timid to say exactly what I think. That quality will get you far in life and sometimes in trouble but that comes with the territory. Be true to yourself.
I have never met a person like you and figuring you out has been very challenging at times but this makes me love you more every day. You force me to think outside the box and be a better mother. I am always learning from you. Your love for music and singing warms my heart. Music can be so powerful and I hope it is something you will always enjoy. Your artistic ability already stands out immensely. When you came up to me the other day with a cartoon character that you had drawn from a cartoon you were watching on tv, I was floored. It looked just like the character and you drew it while the character was moving on the screen.
On top of being a great daughter you are also a wonderful sister. You often times will give up something you want just to make kaeli happy. You are so kind and thoughtful. You look up to Kaeli and I hope the bond that you both share right now lasts a life time. There is something so special about a sister’s love.
I love who you are and who you are becoming. You add a sparkle to my life that could never be provided by another soul. I am so proud of you and I am blessed to call you my daughter.