Monday, November 19, 2012

Twilight Audition

I found this blog post that I never posted and thought I would share since it is fitting to this awful weather.
For those of us that live in Seattle, the news of the sun making an appearance results in many people suddenly becoming “sick” and can’t make it in to work. I was one of those extremely ill people who caught that moment of panic when I realize I may not see the sun for another 3,953 days and if I go into work I will be stuck in a cube only to witness this catastrophic event by periodically standing and looking desperately out the distant window. I NEEDED TO GET OUT THERE! At this point of the winter season my skin has become so pale I was considering auditioning for the next Twilight movie. What! They film locally. It could happen. It would be the first success story of a sun deprived person. Those actors shine artificially. I shine naturally thanks to my “Natural Glow Daily Moisturizer”. It’s supposed to make my skin three shades darker in as little as three days. THREE DAYS FOLKS! That’s equal to the amount of times the sun actually comes out. I was sold!  It has little tiny glitter flakes in it, which I now feel, is only to distract you from the fact that it does absolutely nothing to darken your skin.  I have used it for several months trying to convince myself that my skin simply takes longer than average person  to appear three shades darker but if I just wear the right color, under the right lighting,  while squinting my eyes just so and not look at myself in natural light, I look several shades darker. Well, I was so convincing that I purchased a second bottle. *sigh* I’m such a consumer. Something else that I noticed when the sun comes out in Seattle is that everyone gets out their summer clothes. That’s right; it may only be 49 degrees out but you bet your ass people will be out in shorts and tank tops accessorized with goose bumps.  So don’t even consider stepping outside in a sweater because inevitably you will get the “Are you effing kidding me? Do you not see the sun is out!?” stare from a large busted girl in spaghetti straps. You know the one.
Needless to say, I couldn’t wait for a day of sun and may have been over excited! I even got up early and drove to the beach to watch it rise beautifully over the mountains, clearly oozing pathetic. I am not sure what I was expecting, maybe the warmth on my face to add a little pink to my cheeks. Ha! The only way I could even tell the sun was out, other than the visual, was when I sat in my car and it was warm without running the heat full blast. This could have been disappointing but you know what, I got to wear my super cute gas station sun glasses. And when it comes down to it, there are not many wrongs in this world that can’t be righted with super cute gas station sun glasses.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

"So, the Republicans are the bad guys?"

Suggested by my therapist, (yes I see a therapist, trust me people, I need it) I have recently started a new thing with the girls that has earned the name “My 10 Minutes”.  I dedicate 10 minutes of undivided, one-on-one time to each girlie every day of the week. I had the girls create a list of things they would like to do during their 10 minutes. At first the lists were pretty typical; reading a story or coloring but as we enter our fourth week of “My 10 Minutes” the girls have gotten more creative. For example: writing a story together, writing/drawing on the freshly cleaned chalk board and building a doll house together. This individual one-on-one time has significantly improved some behavioral issues we have been having both at home and school. See, therapy works, people. “My 10 Minutes” quickly became all of our favorite time of the day.
Aside from the surprisingly creative activities the girls have come up with I am more surprised by the conversations that come up during these activities. For example, last night as Kaeli and I were starting our 10 minutes while Chloe was in the shower, Kaeli asked me what a democrat was. Ha! Wow, um ok…well…as I started to explain I realized I had no idea how to put the government into 9-year-old terms, so I turned to Google. By the way,  if Google were a man, I would marry him. Hell, I might even marry Google if it were a girl. We are legal to do so now in Washington, you know. Anyway, of course Google pulls up “How to Explain Democrats and Republicans to schoolagers”. Have I mentioned that I love Google? So I read to her what the article said and elaborated on some things that might have been confusing. What I found to be the most difficult about my explanation was trying not to put my bias opinion into the matter. I really feel like it is important to educate your children on matters such as these but I try to leave it as open as possible so they can form their own opinions. So when Kaeli said “So, the Republicans are the bad guys?” I can’t honestly say whether it was me or the article that swayed her opinion that way. I did try to explain to her that they aren’t the bad guys…. Just sayin….
Look at the awesome doll house we made!

Ok, when I said “we made”, I mean, Kaeli made most of it and she wanted to put the finishing touches on it during our 10 minutes. I love the night stand with the digital alarm clock. Also, the girl in bed is not just a head, she drew out the whole person. I checked.
Take notice that the clock on the wall matches the digital alarm clock. She is so creative! I made the curtains. Feel free to “oooo and ahhhhh!” I also helped make the cupboards that have yet to be installed. Under the window is a cat sleeping in a cat bed. The picture she drew of the cat was excellent. She tried to color it in and now it is not as recognizable but eh! I love her imagination!