Monday, February 28, 2011

Game On The Brain!

It’s Monday and the start of four weeks of The Game On! Diet. For those of you that don’t know, The Game On! Diet is a book written by Krista Vernoff which just so happens to be the writer of Grey’s Anatomy. She is hysterical so this book becomes a fast and easy read. The Game On! Diet is a competitive way to diet! Competitive is my middle name people! I am THAT person that is all up in your face replaying every minute of how you just lost to me. Yep, you know the one you want to punch in the face. I’m THAT person! Not healthy, I know, but this book makes it healthy. Let me just clarify. The book doesn’t encourage taunting other people until you get punched in the face so I am going to try to avoid that but what the book does do is have you create teams that compete against each other based on a point system. For Example:
30 Meal Points: You earn 6 points per meal for eating five fully sanctioned meals. No snacks between meals
20 Exercise Points: You earn your exercise points by doing some form of exercise for 20 minutes per day.
10 Water Points: You earn your water points by drinking three liters of water per day.
15 Sleep Points: You earn your sleep points by sleeping for a minimum of seven hours a night.
20 Transformation Points: You earn 10 points for practicing one healthy habit and another 10 points a day for eliminating one unhealthy old habit.
5 communication points: You earn communication points by being in contact with at least one teammate and at least one opponent a each day. (Phone calls, emails and text messages count.)
Exceptions: Each week, each player gets one meal off in addition to one day off. The meal o0ff and day off may be taken at any time during the given week.
Bonus points: You can earn bonus points by turning in your points to the score keeper by the designated time.
There are also Penalties and such where you lose points. I think the most appealing thing about this diet, other than the fact that you get to compete in a competitive nature against other competors (I just made that word up) is that the point system isn’t based on weight lost. I have spent the last year getting down to the “appropriate” weight for my height so I am able to make a different fitness goal other then weight loss. It applies to any type of fitness goal so anyone has a chance to win! Which Team #1 will win!!! We are Team #1 for a reason, because we are #1 and we are going to win! Just sayin!
Our game has 5 teams of three with the exception of team #1 (the winning team) which has four players. Another awesome thing about the scoring is that it’s averaged at the end so if one team has an additional team mate they don’t have an advantage. My mom, sister and two aunts are on opposing teams. It’s going to be really sad watching them cry when they lose. But! The BEST part is there will be a prize for the winning team! (Team #1) Yes, of course you get the benefits of ganging knowledge on how to eat better and then doing it, losing weight or achieving your fitness goal, breaking bad habits, forming good habits, being a good team player blah, blah, blah but you get a PRIZE! Our team hasn’t decided what is it yet but if I have any say in the matter there will be a rickshaw involved!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Some day they will probably hate me for this.

The girls are on Mid-winter break this week from school and today my best friend, Tayla has the honor of trying her best to keep them from hurting themselves. Tayla has been sending me pictures of activities they are doing through out the day and one of them was during bath time. Chloe made sure to tell Tayla that only I am to receive this picture and then Kaeli chimes in and says "And make sure she doesn't put it on facebook either." Good thing they don't know about the blog yet. Hehe.

For my first post of my new blog I felt it was only appropriate to include videos of the girls that will one day might be the reason they slam doors in my face. Several days ago the girls came out of their room in what they considered "workout attire" and asked if they could do a yoga video. The outfits consisted of a bath suite top and what ever stretchy pants they could find. I'm not sure how this outfit made them feel the need to workout but I can promise you that I do not wear a bathing suit top and stretchy pants to the gym! Anyway, who am I to discourage exercise so I put it on for them. Chloe didn't even last past the breathing exercises at the beginning of the video exclaiming that "this is too hard". Let me tell you something about Chloe. She is lazy. I appreciate this about her for the simple entertainment that comes with watching how she is going to manipulate others or the environment around her to put the least amount of effort into what she is doing. She can get extremely creative! So, since Chloe didn't last long enough during the yoga video for me to even pull out my phone and start filming I only have Kaeli in this video. Chloe is in the background, literally looking for "the easier yoga video".

I was going to share another video of the girls doing Tae-bo until I realized there is a moment of wedgie removal and no one wants to see that. But I will tell you that Kaeli looks pretty buff in the video and Chloe is rolling around on the ground in a pink snuggie...yeah, I love these girls!!