Thursday, March 7, 2013

Day 2: Still Alive!

P90X. I know you have all heard of it. I know you have all seen the infomercial at 1:00 in the morning. All these scantily dressed men and women running around all toned. They make the work outs look so easy, easy enough that you almost want to get off your couch at 1:00am and bust out 20 push-ups but instead you grab your smart phone and order the P90X online. You anxiously wait for it to come in the mail. You tell all your friends and co-workers that you ordered and how pumped you are to get started. It arrives in the mail! You open it up and read all the manuals, gather up all the need equipment and tell yourself that you will start tomorrow. But tomorrow never comes. It sits on your kitchen counter. You might briefly glance at the reading material as you are shoving a donut in your face. This is where I come in and I ask to borrow your P90X that is sitting on your kitchen counter. Wuahahahaha!
For those of you that know me well, you know that I am extremely self-motivated. Good, yes, but there is a flip side to this. I also get bored easily. I love working out but I can’t do the same work out day in and day out because I get bored and when I get bored, I lose my motivation. Knowing this about myself I am always trying to find new work outs. I just happen to find this one on a friends kitchen counter.
So, because I love you so much, I am going to share my day to day P90X experience with you. Mostly because I don’t like to suffer alone.
Day 1: Chest and Back. When the workout manual lays out the details of what you are about to undergo, it does not tell you that you will not be able to wash your own hair the next day. It also doesn’t divulge that as you are putting on a coat, you will probably get stuck in the process because your arms will not allow you to complete the task or, that simply carrying groceries from the car to your home with require three breaks which force you to place the groceries on the ground. It also doesn’t tell you that you will most likely receive rug burn on your face because your arms give out while doing decline push-ups.  BUT, I am still alive folks, humbled by a serious workout ass kicking, but alive.
Day 2: Plyometric. I have to say, I felt a lot more confident in my ability to perform a plyometric workout. I was able to do a lot more of each exercise during this video than the chest and back video. Now, before I sound too encouraging, let me tell you what I can’t do today because of what I could do during the video. I cannot walk up stairs. I actually considered using this as an excuse to get out of work today. “Hi Boss. So, it seems as though I can’t walk up stairs today.  I am afraid I can’t make it into work since there are four scaffolding stairs leading up to the door of the trailer. You may want to consider handicap accessibility.” Reasonable excuse, right? I didn’t think that would fly either, so I used the hand rail as a tool to hoist my unresponsive legs up the stairs into work. Only thing is, I can’t go down stairs either, so it looks like I now live at work now until my legs recover.