Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Happy Birthday, Kaeli!!!

To My Beloved Daughter Kaeli,
Today is your 9th birthday. I can’t believe how the time has flown! Let me tell you a little bit about who I see you as at 9 years old. You have matured so much in this past year alone. You have started developing complex ideas about the world around you and the questions you come up with sometimes are making Google and I best friends. You are always thinking, always pondering and I love this about you. You love to learn. Don’t ever change this about yourself. This world has more knowledge than anyone could ever soak up but it is fun to try!
You excel at everything you do. Your school work is no exception. You love to try new things all the time (with the exception of food). You love to read and Goosebump chapter books are your favorite right now. You especially love to read to Chloe. I love hearing you read to her.
You have the most compassionate, caring, and considerate heart I have ever encountered. I will never forget when you can home, telling me about your day and how you chose to stay inside on your recess that day to play board games with a special needs student in your class because she could not go out to recess while it was raining due to the medical equipment she had to use. “I didn’t want her to feel left out.” Is what you told me. *tear*. You are always putting others needs in front of yours and you considers other peoples feeling before making a decision. You will go out of your way to make someone feel special.  You are the first to notice when someone is sad and you try to make it right. I am so proud of you. My heart swells when I think of you and I tear up like a big baby.
You are an exceptional sister to Chloe. Yes, of course you both have your moments of siblingrey, but you are very good about comforting her when she is sad and protecting her when you feel others are doing her an injustice. You help her when she is unable to help herself. She looks up to you and you set a great example for her.
I enjoy your corky sense of humor and love your very contagious laugh. You love to be active whether it’s playing outside, riding your bike, hiking, going to the park, kayaking, doing track and field etc. I love your imagination and how you still use it on a regular basis. Don’t lose your imagination. This world is very real and we all need some fantasy in our lives.
Most of all, I love your love for Jesus. He will be there for you when this world fails you. He will be your Father, brother, best friend, and your protector. Trust in Him always!
“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. “ Lamentations 3: 22-23
You are a wonderful daughter and I am so proud of you. I love you so very much my sweet girl. Happy Birthday!!
“Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord the fruit of the womb a reward.” Psalms 127:3

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