Monday, March 21, 2011

Half Marathon vs Hips

I wish I could say this past Sunday’s half marathon was a success. That those 12 weeks of training were not a waste but as I walk through the hallways at work, people tilt their heads sideways asking if I am limping. I again have to explain with embarrassment that I ran a half marathon yesterday and it really took a toll on my hips. About the 5th mile into the 13.1 mile race my right hip started to throb with pain. I was able to relieve the pain by pulling my knee to my chest and strength out my hip but after only a couple more steps the pain would return. Here I was not even half way through the race and I was already worried I might not make it. Then as I came around the corner of my 7th mile I saw their faces. The three loves of my life. James, Kaeli and Chloe. They stood there watching every person pass waiting to cheer me on.  It brought tears to my eyes. James said some encouraging words as the girls high fived me and I knew right then I had to finish. I wanted my girls to see me finish. I wanted to show James that the sacrifices he made so I could train weren’t in vain. I was going to finish.
I trucked through the pain. Thankful that it was only one hip hurt. Then about the 8th mile my other hip jumped on the pain bandwagon. The pain was so excruciating that it brought me to tears several times when I had to stop running and walk.  And I am no wuss when it comes to pain, folks. I kept thinking of how I spent weeks training. Physically I was more than capable of completing this half marathon but the pain was so great. I still had so far to go. The 8th mile was the beginning of a long uphill incline. My hips would not allow me to get more than a couple steps before I had to stop running and walk. I was forced to walk the entire hill. At the top of the hill were James and the girls again. I was so excited to see them but so embarrassed at my failure. I was walking. I couldn’t even pretend to jog up to them. I high fived the girlies and could see that James knew I was hurting. He told me I was doing great. As I passed them I had reached to top of the hill.  I was so discouraged, so disappointed and so MAD! I started jogging again. I didn’t know where the three of them were going to pop up next but I sure wasn’t going to be walking again when I saw them next. Miles 9, 10 and 11 were the longest miles of my life but there at the 11th mile were my three cheerleaders again. I knew as I jogged up to them I was going to finish this thing even if it killed me. ¾ into my 12th mile I could see the finish line. Up a HUGE hill! If I ever meet the man that planned out the course of this race and put the finish line at the top of a hill I will gladly punch him in the face and then repent later. As I approached the hill I saw my family again. I didn’t expect to see them before the finish line so it was a great surprise. As I passed I didn’t high five because it was going to take all the strength I had to get up that hill to the finish line but as I looked to my right there was Kaeli, running the last 100 yards uphill with me to the finish line. As I crossed the finish line and they read my name over the loud speaker I gave Kaeli the biggest hug and cried. I thanked her for being there for me. I looked around for James and Chloe and here they come up the hill. James is carrying Chloe in his arms because she refused to walk up the hill. In typical Chloe fashion that I love her for. : ) I cannot even express how much it meant for me to have them there. Cheering me on the whole way. Never giving up on me. I could have never done this without them and I am truly blessed to call them my family. James, Kaeli and Chloe, thank you for being my strength and for believing in me even when I didn’t believe in myself. I love you all so very much!
Miss Chloey-lowely giving me a high five. An awesome picture taken by James

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